Tru Valuation’s Commitment To Privacy
Your privacy is very important to us. Part of our operation of this website involves the collection and use of information about you. This privacy policy explains what type of information we collect and what we do with that information to allow you to make choices about the way your information is collected and used. This privacy policy may change from time to time, so please check it often.
What Information Do We Collect?
In general, you can visit this website without identifying who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Information collected online can generally be categorized as anonymous or personally identifiable. Anonymous information is information that cannot be connected to the identity of a specific individual. Personally identifiable information is information that specifically identifies a particular user, such as name, email, or phone number. An example of anonymous information is the fact that, while this website may record the number of visits to a particular page that occur in a given period of time, it does not tell us the names or other identifying information of every visitor.
How Do We Use Information We Collect?
We collect personally identifiable information only for providing services pertaining to real estate valuation. This is for the purpose of contacting the individual that is requesting more information via the website. This does not involve conducting marketing research, sending you surveys, and notifying you of new products and any other changes to our site or services that may affect you. When you submit personally identifiable information to us, you understand that you are agreeing to allow us to contact you to provide or obtain any information pertinent to a real estate valuation.
We may be required by law enforcement or judicial authorities to provide personally identifiable information to the appropriate governmental authorities. If requested by law enforcement or judicial authorities, we will provide this information on receipt of the appropriate documentation. We may also release information to law enforcement agencies or other third parties if we feel it is necessary to protect the safety and welfare of our personnel or to enforce our terms of use. If any information provided via phone, text, email is also deemed to be any form of hazard, it may be retained for up to the statue of limitations.
We operate secure data networks protected by industry standard firewall and password protection systems. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary, and only authorized individuals have access to the personally identifiable information provided by any individual. We do not, however, guarantee that unauthorized, inadvertent disclosure will never occur.